Thursday, December 10, 2015

What are some advantages and disadvantages of direct democracy?  What makes these advantages and disadvantages?

Which is better our modern indirect democracy or the Athenian direct democracy?

I will not disgrace my sacred arms
Nor desert my comrade, wherever
I am stationed.
I will fight for things sacred
And things profane.
And both alone and with all to help me.
I will transmit my fatherland not diminished
But greater and better than before.
I will obey the ruling magistrates
Who rule reasonably
And I will observe the established laws
And whatever laws in the future
May be reasonably established.
If any person seek to overturn the laws,
Both alone and with all to help me,
I will oppose him.
I will honor the religion of my fathers.
I call to witness the Gods …
The borders of my fatherland,
The wheat, the barley, the vines,
And the trees of the olive and the fig.

What does this oath reveal about Athenian values?

How do you think these values affected life in Athens?

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