Tuesday, December 8, 2015

What do these quotes tell us about the Spartan soldiers? What caused the Spartans eventual loss at Thermopylae?

Demaratus said, [to the Persian king] "..... these men have come to fight us for possession of the pass, and for that struggle they are preparing. It is the custom of the Spartans to pay careful attention to their hair when they are about to risk their lives..."

just then, a man from Malis, Ephialtes, son of Eurydemus, came, in hope of rich reward, to tell the king about the track which led over the hills to Thermopylae.

It is said that Leonidas himself dismissed them (the other Greek soldiers), to spare their lives, but thought it unbecoming for the Spartans under his command to desert the post which they had originally come to guard.

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